Better connect with your doctor
Engagement and trust is vital to every relationship, yet when it comes to healthcare, we most often miss the vital engagement with our doctors. Be it regular consultations, treatment progress check or a follow-up, patients often feel disconnected with a doctor and return only when the symptoms re-appear. However, the quality of the relationship between you and your doctor can really make a difference to your health. It can lead to an early diagnosis and a prompt treatment can help identify diseases at a curable stage and save a lot of effort and money.
A good engagement with your doctor also implies regular health check-ups. Regular health examination and tests is a part of preventive healthcare and can help identify problems before they start or progress to a severe form. Though very uncommon in the Indian community, regular health checkups are pivotal to healthy living especially after your 30s. Regular checkups improve the chances of treatment and cure leading to a healthier, happier and longer life. Make sure to take a general medical, dental and eye check-up at least twice a year even if you do not have any visible symptoms.
Just like healthy relationships are essential to a healthy life, a healthy relationship with your doctor is essential to a healthier you. Do not dread the appointment hassles and long queues; you can now stay connected with your doctors without having to physically visit the doctor using the GrowAyu App
At GrowAyu, we strive to foster this vital doctor-patient relationship with easy appointments, timely reminders, convenient remote consultations and personal health management. Manage your health in the easiest and most effective way with the GrowAyu App!
You can download the App by clicking here.